Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Lady and The Spencer

In the Dollar Tree store, the public address system made a scritchy-scratch sound, then a woman's voice from the ceiling said, "I need..." scritchy-scratch sound again, and that click of disconnect.

Spencer and I continued shopping, me checking out the Christmas clearance.  PA system came on again, scritchy-scratch sound, woman's voice, "I need a waaa-waaa-waaa...." scritchy-scratch sound and click of disconnect.

Spencer and I are laughing, "Come on, you can do it, lady.  Try again."  Of course, she was at the other side of the store and couldn't hear us, but we were sure sending her motivating vibes anyway.  Finally, scritchy-scratch sound, woman's voice, "I need a manager, please", and click.  We gave each other a nod of approval, "good job." She got it done.

We are done shopping and in line at the check out, and I announce how I don't like to handle those little black stylus pens on the side of the credit card reader.  It's a new thing where the cashier asks you if you want a paper receipt or not, but you have to answer by picking up that stylus and touching yes or no on the screen with it.  "Ugh.  I hate using that." Turning to Spencer, I clarify, " Do you know EVERYBODY HAS to use that now, whether you want a receipt or not, EVERYONE has to touch it.  People with colds, men who've picked their noses, women with hankies in their hands or that have just wiped their toddler's face.  It's gross."

Well, he got me.  He got the cashier, too.  He got her to laughing, heartily.

As we walked out the door, he said, "Did you see her face when we walked through line?  She was ready to quit.  She was about to walk out the door.  But we made her laugh, now it's not so bad, she's gonna have a good day."

Want to know what he said?  And, btw, what does he know about it?  He's a single guy, never married!

He said, "Mom, just look at the money she's handing you in change!  Just think about it, Mom.  You don't know where that money's been.  It could've come out of a stripper's g-string!"

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