Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Two Jeweled Stars

(NOTE:  The idea for this came after participating in some online writing prompts.  You've probably seen a couple earlier that were a little out of the ordinary, and will probably see more this summer.)


It was an explosion!  Little pieces of embers and sparks spit fired on the earth's surface. 

Many of them rose from the earth, breaking through the atmospheric barrier to become stars on the black suede of night.  They sparkled and shimmered and glowed with happiness -- blink here, flicker there, twinkle everwhere. 

Two jeweled stars, one amber with kite shaped facets, and the other blue jade with teardrop cuts, gravitated slowly downward and towards each other.  Amber, drifting alongside gave blue jade a gentle kiss.  They stayed paired as gravitation pulled them through the atmosphere to earth.  There they bounced, barely glancing off the surface.  From the bounce came little explosions, bits and pieces that hovered near with winks, and little bursts and blitz of brilliant light. 

Blue Jade and Amber looked on, attentive.

They once again rose, side by side, floating higher and higher breaking through earth's protecting arc.  As they rose beyond the stars they were gathered into an ethereal arm where they were nestled -- comforted and loved.  From there, in contentment, they watched the embers and sparks bounce and scintillate on earth below, their little jewels of diamonds, rhinestones, and gems, soon to become stars, too!

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