Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Handling A Hungry Man, Uh, Men, Uh, Grandson, Too!

There are sayings around our house that emerged from the boys' growing years.  One is "I'm as hungry as I ever been."  

Really?  Well, hello there, Mr. Hungry.

Another, and this isn't mispelled, "Are you hangry?  Huh, huh, huh, are you hangry?"  This was 20 years ago before it was ever said on television.  And in response to someone that was so hungry they were angry, too.

In the early days, this from a TV commercial, they would bandy about, "I need a Hungry Man meal!"  Chuckle, get out the meat and potatoes, and super-size it!

And more recently, just a couple months ago, two of 'em called me on the phone as they were headed here,  "Do you have something cooked, or do I need a drive-thru?"  

I think that was blackmail.

Seriously, am I "chief cook and bottle washer?"  And that one was from Dad.  He brought it home from being in the army in the 1950's.

To be more current, though, I have to tell you about grandson Jacob.

Master Jacob wanders into the kitchen and comes out with food!  Something in each hand!  Where he gets it is a mystery.  No one else was in the kitchen.  There was no food setting out.  We hadn't had a meal in there in 4 hours or more.  

With food in each hand, and a big desire to pick up a Hot Wheels car, it was a struggle, and a problem to be solved -- you could read it on his face.  One hand held on tight to the food while it struck out for balance and the other hand popped its food into his bulging cheeks then ... he reached down to pick up the toy.  

Mom says he's discovered that if he gets into the bread drawer he can shake a loaf of bread until it pops open so he can have a slice.  I keep telling her she's got a boy and he's hungry and he'll be growing more muscle than sister Lilly!  Lilly has aversions anyway, and doesn't eat well.  This boy is a whole new ball game.

Most recently he's discovered the freezer drawer which is at the bottom of their refrigerator.  This short little 2 y.o., pulls open the drawer using both hands and his body as weight.  Then he digs down into a box to pull out a popsicle.  Self-feeding.  Survival instincts.

His dad says, "Watch my electric bill go out the door."  His mom says, "He knows what he wants". 

The other day I got a live video on my cell phone.  It was of Jacob.  His dad recorded him 'cause Dad thinks it's priceless when hungry Jacob toddles up and says, "Iwanna nack."

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