Wednesday, January 4, 2023

John "Misc." Quips with Fruits & Nuts

Something, can't remember what, triggered in my head the phrase

 "Bad, Bad Leroy Brown".

I do that.  I remember a phrase, I ask John, John then begins to tell me the song title and the original artist and any other fact he wants me to know to go along with it.

This time I looked up the song on my own on my phone.

It gave music video options.  Not knowing anything pertinent I tapped the first one.  "Bad, Bad Leroy Brown"  by Frank Sinatra.  He started croning and, oh, boy, John started moaning!

"STOP!  No, no, no!  Not Sinatra.  Give me your phone!"

"Jim Croce was the original artist!" 

"Here."  He handed the phone back.  

And as Jim Croce's baritone entreated us to  "Enjoy The Music.  The magic's still here" * John told me how Jim said he was in the army and this other guy decided it wasn't for hm and he went AWOL.  But then he came back to get his monthly check and they handcuffed him.

I can still hear John's agony.

"Stop!  Not Sinatra!  That's gross!"


Pamela to John:  Knock Knock

John:  Who's there?

Pamela:  Banana

John:  Banana who?

Pamela to John:  Knock Knock

John:  Who's there?

Pamela:  Banana

John:  Banana who?

Pamela:  Knock Knock

John:  Who's there?

Pamela:  Orange

John:  Orange who?

Pamela:  Orange you glad I didn't say banana

Pamela:  Ha, ha, that's an old but a goody.

John:  Hum...that's an oldy but a dummy....


John came in from driving the bus, "It's a good day."

"I opened up the mailbox and there's only 4 bills!"


I asked, "How do you spell "miscellaneous"?
John quickly said, "Miscellaneous what?"
I said,  "Just the word "miscellaneous"!
He replied,  "m, i, s, c, period"



I divvied out some fruit, "Here John, have some blueberries.  They have 
antioxidants in 'em."

He said, "Good, I won't rust."

What a nut!  

Hummmmm, nuts rust....



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