Let's try that again.
The day was bright and warm and sunshiny, a perfect Sunday!
Eh, nah. That was a borderline trope.
Let's try that again, again.
Sunday couldn't have been better! Warm breezes, sunshine -- great weather!
Great grandkids everywhere, such go-getters!
In the house the women were loosely gathered in a corner of the room, some on the couch. some on chairs. The men were lazily lounging on the other side of the room with one exception, Calvin. He'd drifted to the adjoining room and looked to be horizontalized -- sleeping.
Jacob, the 3 y.o., came through, walking between all of us, carrying a shiny big red tractor. Spencer, stirring things up as he likes to do, heartily chuckled, said, "That goes in the pond."
Though he was headed outside, Jacob knew better, he said, "Does not."
Calvin, surprise, surprise, pops up and says, "Unless you wanna watch it swim!"
"Calvin, don't tell him to do that!" I cautioned.
Jacob knew better, "Unt-uh, it won't swim."
Because he was still trying to stir things up with Jacob, Calvin added, "How do you know?"
All guys were standing around the pick-up truck that hubby was trouble shooting. The grandkids had drug every toy out of the garage and into the graveled driveway. The drive is a long one from house to mailbox at the county road.
The toys ranged from little red wagon to riding toy cars like police-mobile and yellow digger with construction hat, both Cozy Coups, baseball bats, golf clubs, croquet mallets, myriad balls - golf, basketball, croquet, and rubber bouncy ones. The youngest kids carried their sippy cups.
One of the dads had brought over their kids bicycles. Good! Bold Jayden got mine out of the shed and explained, "So you can race me!"
Is he kidding?! He just learned to ride two Sunday's ago. A race!? So, I raced him, leisurely, LOL, in consideration for his blooming dexterity. On the way back, I pedaled past him and then past Alayna, who was leaning out of the bed of that pick-up truck. She yelled to me with a giggle in her voice.
"Grandma's don't ride bikes!"
"Oh, yes, they do. It's fun!" especially when it's an O.C. Chopper with a comfy seat, chuckle.
Back in the house, we women looked up startled. Very seriously, Rusty raised his voice to address us all, his mother, his wife, his family friend, and his two sister-in-laws. He was waving up and over his head a white handled broom.
"Who left their vehicle behind mine? I can't back up!"
Guess who took off ducking and running! And carrying a broom!
Omg. Your boys have the best lines. What a sense of humor!!