Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Male Quips, He Saids

John's Father his friends called him, or John Colly as his relatives knew him, or Grandpa as our kids called him said, “I wish I was rich enough I’d fill the bath tub full of milk. I’d swim in it and then drink what I want.”


Rusty reminded me of a time when we had ducks and used to collect the eggs for cake baking and breakfast meals, but a varmint was getting them. His dad, John Houston, trapped it, then took the trap to the back yard as he carried a double barreled shotgun. He opened the cage, the varmint ran, John shot once, then shot twice.  John’s instant reply was, “He had every opportunity after each shot" after Rusty exclaimed, "Dang, Dad. You didn’t give him a chance.”

“What was that? That wasn’t Buffy I saw. It wasn’t a small deer either, what was it?” I was standing near the sliding glass. “Oh, look at that big dog, that’s not ours or Abby, the neighbor’s, or the pitbull next door.”
“Oh,” said Ian calmly, “that’s Nadar.”  Nadar is the pet dog of the neighbors across the street. 

“Dad hates Nadar.” 
Spencer corrects him tongue in cheek, “You mean majorly dislikes him with a fiery passion.” 


All boys but one showed up today for various reasons.

They fixed the skid steer, it works again, and Clint filled the trench.

Ian was so sweet he made us all a snack of ... get this ... cinnamon sugar toast.  And it hit the spot.

He said, "It doesn't taste right unless you use mother's Imperial margarine."


I didn't know it, but now that Rusty has 5 kids and some are older, they have reported to me that their dad, Rusty, has nicknames for foods.  Here's the short list.

Cheeseburgers is cheese-boogers

Sloppy joes are poop sandwiches

Cereal is perial

Parmesan cheese is stinky feet cheese

Laughingly, I exclaimed, "Rusty!  Those are awful!  What are you teaching these kids?"

And Jayden says, "GrammyPam, you should whip him.  29 whippings!"

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