Thursday, February 6, 2020

Upside Down, Thud, Licked Lips, & The Howling

There's not much that's more disturbing to the brain than spying a lampshade upside down.   I don't know who did it but you had to cover your eyes!  It exposed the lightbulb and made for a very bright room, too bright!  For 2 days, no one confessed.  My mind flashed a blinking, "Tilt!  Tilt!"

Tuesday night Euchre was played with accompanying unusual sounds.  The noises were coming from the kitchen window -- highway car noises and the soughing of the wind -- which was open due to DH, darling hubby, building a huge fire in the wood stove and making the house so hot we had to open a couple of windows and doors. 

Thud.  "Me-ow!"

"Out, black spot, out!" Not allowed!  Through that window black cat Piper plopped in!  She sure startled us!  She had to investigate the counter top first, then paw-padded back out.        

Our Miss Lilly struggles with her parents to eat.  Eating does not interest her.  Even at a restaurant sequestered in a booster seat and even though mac and cheese is her favorite restaurant choice, she only puts one maybe two pieces of mac and cheese on a spoon and takes her sweet time to get them between her lips to swallow.  

She doesn't want to mess with broccoli stalks between her fingers so she shoves one in whole and begrudgingly chews with bulging cheeks.  

Spaghetti gets held in the air and swung like a rope until she's curtailed by dad, that is.  Then it gets strung out, up in the air, face to ceiling, lips wide open, and coiled like rope down into the cavity of her mouth!  

Across from Miss Lilly at the table, an elderly lady shares her chocolate 3 tiered cake with her.  I looked, I blinked, she licked her lips; it was gone!!!!!  SHE CAN EAT!  Sheesh. 

Once home she got into my computer drawer.  It's full of post-it notes, pens, liquid paper, stapler, a couple magnifying glasses, stress balls and more.  The stress ball disappeared about 4 months ago.  A long time in a 3 y.o.'s life, right?  A 3 y.o. should forget, right?  Not her.  She opens the drawer which is a smidgeon taller than her making her stand on tippy-toes, gets out the small black handled magnifying glass, puts it smack dab on her eye and eyebrow and says, "I'm looking for c'ues.  Where's the squishy red ball?"   Then with a little lisp she says, "We need c'ueses.  It's a mishthery."

She gave up on mystery clues 'cause when I turned the corner into the kitchen Miss Lilly was sitting at the table.  Her face turned upward and her lips pursed, "I'm a wolf.  I see the moon",  and she howls at the chandelier!  Three times she howled, so of course I joined her, "Howl, ho-owl, ho-oo-owl!"

We had a howl fest, we did!  LOL.  
Staying young, I am, LOL. 

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