Tuesday, April 13, 2021


"Let's bomb the officers, and abscond with the flag!" It was a wile meant to get my way.

"Power play!" Darling hubby replied.  

A stack of 6 board games sat on the kitchen table, some fun, some challenging, some nostalgic.  There was Clue, an old favorite, Eureka, a gold miners' rush, Zoolandia for kids, fancy Scrabble with a lazy-susan feature, Risk to take over the world, Stratego to bomb the players and claim the flag.

"Which one do you want to play, today?" 

Darling Hubby looked 'em over.  He knows I won't play Risk.  Many people play Risk with him but after beating him 11 times in a row, I feel too guilty, and always encourage others to give him the treat of playing.   To give him his due, he regularly wins Scrabble, though.  

A few days ago he wanted to play Aggravation then beat me three times!  Even though I changed di and even though I traded him for his lucky di, he still won!

Hum, maybe that's why he wanted to play it again today?  

Nonchalantly, I agreed.  It's always fun to play a board game.  "As luck would have it", and luck does, "the tables had turned".  This time I won three times in a row!!!!  What fun! 

Speaking of fun, spying new flower sprouts where I thought were none, was a fun surprise.  

First, I swept the walkway around the gladiola bed.  Next, I leveled the Grecian urns and cleaned them out. That bed along the shed is full of green blades.  Near summer's end I'll have yellow, white, and orange blossoms.  

Pulling weeds, raking up old autumn leaves, removing brittle stalks of yesteryear's, adjusting the rocks to keep the mulch from drifting away, I discovered that clump of new flower sprouts!  Yay!  Wonder what they are?  LOL.  

After a good wash (don't want chiggers) I'm all for a sit down.  Let's go back to playing games, LOL, I still want to bomb some players and capture a flag!  

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