Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Alayna - The Drama Queen and Her Spider

January 2020

Little Alaynah, 2 y.o. found a Ty baby at the second hand store.  She thought was a spider.  Actually, it was a Scorpion named Stinger, but we didn't tell her.  She and her brother would engage in chasing, trying to sting each other.  On her knees she grabbed this stuffed toy by it's body and wiggled it left-right, left-right, crawling towards her daddy Rusty, 

"Spider, spider, spider...get Daddy!"  She  jumped up from the floor to his waist to "get Daddy".  Boy, does he beam!  He loves her calling him Daddy.  They got her at 3 months old so, it's the only male parent she's ever known.

When we got to the cashier, who stood in a cubicle that sits high off the ground, Alayna, who is only knee high to me, gave a heave and flung that "spider" up and on top of the counter with me standing right there.  Wow!  Such dramatic action!  I had to pay for it, right?!   Right!

June 2020

Kids played "lets see if we can get in the pond without mom looking", LOL.  The pond is a water feature only about a foot deep and 5 feet long.  To distract them, I gave them toy pots 'n pans, instead.  

They swung, and rode tricycles and generally made a toy mess of house and yard.  Good stuff.  Mom's have learned to have them clean up before they go which is a terrible transition period for's assert, they buck, mom's assert, they cry, they pick up toys, they say "I don't wanna go home", they get their shoes back on, dad's bark echoes mom's, they all troop with droops to their vehicles after giving pa-paw and GrammyPam hugs and kisses.  By the time they get home, they're all happy again, chuckle.

Normally, I'm called GrammyPam.  Sometimes Alayna calls me GrammyPam 'N John.  But this day, the drama queen Alayna, called me GrammyPammy!  I laughed.  

Don't think I can do it justice writing this, but to explain drama queen, she was in the backseat car seat looking out the window and spied the river going under the bridge we crossed.  Most kids would simply say, "I see the water."  But she, in a sing-song voice, with a higher pitch on "see" and a squeal with volume increase on water, says excitedly, "I see WA. TER!"  

Oh, the exuberant appreciation for simple things, ROFL

July 2020

I picked up Jayden to come home with me so he could play in the Roger Run, the fenced in area of the front yard, while I typed in my blog.  I have some peacemaking to do.  Because it really upset Alayna who from home skyped her dad while he was at work,  "GwammyPam and Jayden didn't take me!" 

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