Thursday, March 3, 2022

If You Wait On Your Tea To Boil

If you wait on your tea to boil 
you might catch a glimpse of an overlooked dirty towel and take it to the laundry room.
In the laundry room you might think "may as well" and transfer clothes from washer to dryer.
But, in the dryer lies a blanket.  As you pull it out, out comes 3 dryer balls.  One bounces under the footstool, one rolls under the nearby hamper, and one hugs the side of the trash can.  
Not to be distracted by balls you take the blanket to the guest bedroom 
where you'll remove the resentful black cat to make the bed before wandering back down the hall.
Wandering makes you think of how quiet it is
so you go play a couple songs on the piano -- Three Blind Mice for the cat, and On Top of Spaghetti thinking of the roll-away balls.
But when you push away from the piano bench,
you have to head straight to the bathroom where you straighten a few things and refill the soap dispenser whose nozzle was twisted backwards by grandkids' hands.
Washing your hands, running the water, reminds you that you're thirsty and your tea is waiting.
By now the tea is so cold you set it in the microwave for a shot of heat.
While you're waiting on the beep you think about how the crockpot in the dishwasher could be reassembled and tucked into the cabinet.
When you go to the cabinet you spy Frisky Kitty food and as you're spooning it out your own tummy tells you that you forgot to eat breakfast.
So, you set about making breakfast.  
When you sit down to eat your breakfast, you reach to take a drink and your hand touches nothing!  You remember that you've been waiting on your tea this whole time.  
Since it's been awhile and you're really very thirsty, you decide not to boil it again, but drink it as is, even if it is tepid and lukewarm -- not fit for dipping scone, dipping cookie, or skinny dipping! 



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