Tuesday, July 12, 2022


I tell you we heard sirens blazing!

We heard whoop-whoop!

We heard nee-naw, nee-naw, nee-naw!

We heard rēē-o, rēē-o, rēē-o!



I mean they FILLED IT!  We were going down the interstate above the speed limit, and this sound filled the truck.  The sound inflated our ears and bulged our eyes!

Woop, woop! Nee-naw, nee-naw!

I began frantically looking for lights flashing –- around the  windshield, the door posts, and the back seat.

I should be seeing strobing lights going around the inside of the truck with a “Whomp, whomp, whomp”, right?

As fast as a squirrel caught in the middle of the road, I swiveled and twisted, searching for the source of this sound.  I sat up straight to get a better view.  I grabbed my door handle and quickly looked out my own window.

Then I scanned the faces of the others.  

John had been dead asleep, but lickety-split, he reared up to see “what on earth is going on?!”

Jeani clicked on her right turn signal to change lanes, while reducing speed.  She's thinking "I'm not a bad person, I'll turn on the clicker to go for the slow lane." She said her “heart was beating like a loose bird in her chest”!

Me? I’m still hunting for the bubble gum lights. I looked in the visor's mirror, no emergency vehicles in sight.

I looked ahead, no cars around.  

I looked on the bridge of the overpass.  

I hunted for a fast speeding cop car coming down the on-ramp.

I looked in the mirror on my door.  Nothing.  NOTHING!

Where on earth is this police car????  The engulfing sound was so unexpected that we got the bejeebers scared out of us!

Then, revelation.

"What?  What.  Oh, m'bad.  Sorry.”  We hear Calvin from the backseat as he removed his earplugs. 

That horrible head-filling sound magically died.

 It must've taken him a few minutes to realize what was going on. 

Jeani figured, "He probably felt the truck slow down and go right!"

Turns out, it was his cellphone's "get up, get ready for work" alarm set for noon! 

OH!  MY!  LANDS!  One of us could've died!  Died of heart failure, died laughing…

Jeani said, “It did give us a heart attack.”

Calvin made the day!  Whoop-whoop!

He chuckled, "It did its job.”


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