Monday, October 31, 2022

At The Zoo, Wild Dream

You've heard the idiom "stuff dreams are made of"?  Well, I don't know what mine are made of, but they can be entertaining, for sure.  

A horror-fiction author once said he'd eat right before bedtime to promote bad dreams, then he could use them in his books.  Oh, boy can that happen to me!  But this time, there was no food involved, so where'd this wild dream come from?

We went to the zoo.  And as is all dreams, you have this feeling, or essence, of who you are, and this apparitional feeling of someone being at your side.  

The animals were mischievous and downright funny.

At the glass partition only eye-high, we viewed the grizzly whiskered walrus that sat atop a faux ice floe, or stack of white topped boulders, in deep water.  Walrus got excited, lost his balance, and did a blubber-over-blubber roll, down the sides, out of control, jumbo plop into the water.   Everyone got sprayed, and shrieked with laughter.

Wacky walrus!

Up top the zoo's aquatic center was a seal responding to its trainer.  The seal was clapping and his hind flippers were working in the water, as he spiritedly barked "Owt, owt, owt, owt"

And, he kept sliding backwards, unaware,"Owt, ow-w-w" sliding more downwards, still not realizing, "ow-w-w-w" and sliding under water, right up to his whiskers, "Ow-glub-ow-glubbbbb" nose and eyes in a watery glaze, "Ow-glub-glub"!  And...he was gone!

Crazy seal!

In the dry grass prairie section the taciturn ostrich was having none of it.  She stuck her head in some sand.  Like a weaving tool, she threaded her neck into the sand, pushed through, and like a needle pulling along some string, peeked from under sand cover with a squinty-eyed curious look!  She blinked.

Offbeat ostrich!

Up the hill from the sand, still in the zoo, was a tall giraffe.  He was supposed to be eating leaves of the tree, wrapping his long tongue around the greenery, to swallow, but no, this one was neck-dancing!  Like a cobra to a piper's tune his head bobbed left, his head bobbed right, it bobbed up and down, and all around and to the ground!

Goofy giraffe!

And finally, I woke up.  Well, no, I didn't.  I saw snakes.  Gray snakes.  "S'nakes alive!"  

Two of them.  Identical.  They had a staring contest.  Arched up.  Heads face to face.  Unblinking.  A stare-down.  It was an "I dare you pose!"  It was a gunfight, I mean tongue-fight!  

They gave no quarter.  They coiled around each other like a caduceus without the staff.  Hissing in each others faces.  Flicking tongues like a pic on guitar strings.

I blinked.  I was open-mouthed, jaw dropping, and then, I realized the ridiculousness of what I was seeing and laughed out loud. 

One bold snake took his long tail, snapped it up, and slapped the other on the face.  Whip-crack!  SNAP!  

I woke up!

Silly snakes! 

Silly dreams!  

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