Thursday, March 16, 2023



Noelle, 3 1/2, asked her younger sister Ainsley,

"Do you love GrammyPam?"

22 mo. old Ainsley answered, "Yah."

"I love Grandpa John," 

then she came in and climbed up onto his lap!

March 2023

Ainsley, not yet 2 y.o., sat in a high chair at BJ's restaurant.  Mom was in the restroom with the other girl, and Dad was enjoying a story being told by a brother across the table.  

I saw the whole thing.

Ainsley and 3 y.o. Noelle, had a black straw.  Sharing, exploring, poking, sucking, tasting.  I say tasting because Ainsley got a lemon wedge and was determinedly poking the straw into its juicy fibers.

The two of them taste-tested the results, then it was whine and cry and rub the eye.

Dad kept checking for eye-winkers, lifting the upper lid, then pulling down the lower lid looking for a mote.

Finally, I had to tell him, "There's nothing to see.  It's burning lemon juice!  Coated on that straw!"

"How'd she get that?"  

Shall I tell him about Ainsley sucking from one end, while Noelle sucked from the other?

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