Friday, December 4, 2020

3 Sons, Their Playful Prince, And A Dishwasher

Thanksgiving's Black Friday finds me listening in on the men's conversations as they install a new dishwasher.  The youngest is Ian, the middle one is Spencer, the older is Calvin, and then there's their dad, John, their playful prince; rather than being group leader he prefers to join in on the laughter -- to be one of the boys.

Spencer:  Where's the drill?
Ian:  You have to master manuel tools before we give you power tools!

Spencer to Calvin:  Did mom send you in here?
Calvin:  I'm here for moral support.

Calvin:  Are you supposed to remove that?
Ian:  Yes, Calvin, it says, "Remove before use."

Ian:  Calvin, you're gonna lean the dishwasher back.
Calvin:  I'm busy (and he yawns and looks away).

Spencer to Calvin:  We have to have the dishwasher over there.
Ian:  Up, dude!  

Calvin:  I asked for power tools to begin with, you gotta work smarter not harder.
(As he pretends to sit) I have a chair right here.  

Dad:  It says installation bracket.  Here's the packet with screws.
Spencer:  They're talking about these tabs, right, Dad?
Ian:  We NEVER put screws in a dishwasher!

Spencer:  Just ignore it.
Ian:  He's a grown man, he's an adult, he can do this.
Spencer:  We have to tighten this.
Dad:  If it doesn't leak, we can go with it.

Dad:  Sit it down, Calvin.
Ian:  Gently.  Please.
Calvin:  Can you not do that?
Ian:  Let's get the thing in here, come on, guys, let's just do it.  It's just sitting here.
Calvin:  Don't move!!!

Spencer:  Coming down!  It's coming your way!
Dad:  Guide it.

Spencer:  Okay, Calvin, 
Calvin:  Over top it, around it, where's this go?
Calvin:  Dad, are we going to set this dishwasher on top of this wire?
Dad:  No.
Spencer:  There's a channel, we're good to go!

Dad:  Set it down.
Spencer:  No, don't set it down!  Lean it toward Ian!
Calvin:  Yes, lean it toward Ian.
Spencer:  Now, gently come down, gently come down.
Dad:  Push it in.
Spencer:  Nice and easy.

(Note:  Originally I wanted white to match the rest of the kitchen, but settled on stainless steel since it was such a good deal.  And, I'd told the boys that stainless steel shows fingerprints, another reason I was in the market for white.  Of course, they had to tease me about my relenting.)

Calvin:  Look at this nice and shiny steel.
Ian:  The more you talk the more you stir things up, just keep quiet.
Spencer:  She chose it.
Calvin:  Yah, but she really wanted white.
Ian:  Shush, keep it down.

Ian to Spencer:  You can do it, you're an electrician, that got fired, but you can do it.
Ian:  I put mine through the channels so you can just ignore my wires.

Dad:  Also, it says ........
Calvin:  Look Dad, I found it!
Ian:  What?
Calvin:  A level !  (and he begins singing) "I put one foot in front of the other."

Ian:  I gotta connect that drain thing, Calvin give me a screwdriver!

(Presently my new-fangled, LED lit, smart Wi-Fi dishwasher will be usable.
Well, it'll be usable in a minute or two, gotta check for stains first, blood stains!)

Dad:  Let's close the door.
Calvin:  I tried but Spencer won't let me.
Spencer:  OW!  DON'T CLOSE THE DOOR!  My fingers are in there!

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