Wednesday, January 8, 2020

What Toddler Eyes Spy

We have a glider much like the first picture here, but its always put it away for the winter along with all the other lawn furniture.

Currently, all those pieces are leaning against each other in the garage.  That glider's in a sideways and covered up position.  

Now, picture it.  You're Miss Lilly, 3 years old, only about "knee high to a grasshopper" and you're rarely allowed into the garage.  It can be a dangerous place, but it's FULL, and oh so  interesting, and you've just dared to venture into No-No land.  

To enter No-No Land you have to navigate carefully down three steps half as high as your own thigh.  Your eyes are wide as everything out there feels like it towers over you, so your view is pretty much blocked and everything's in your face 'cause you can't see up and over and the walkways are narrow and closed in.  You're taking it all in, and this adventure is exciting because you know that somewhere out that in that tangle of wood boxes, folding chair legs, extension cords stretched from here to there on the floor, buckets of kindling, and GwammyPam's red car is your cozy coup and your red tricycle.  You're searching for all those fun, familiar things of yours.  "Oh, there's the butterfly nets!  And, there's the "duckies for the water" and "there's Jayden's pool".  Then!  Then you spy it! 

 "Gwammy Pam!  Gwammy Pam!"  and you're upset.

Grammy Pam steps into the garage to see what the upset is all about.  It takes a few sentences of toddler talk and adult detecting to figure it out.  

It shouldn't be in here.  It shouldn't be leaning sideways.   That's just wrong with its gray plastic legs sticking up in the air!   "That's my picnic table!"   "Fix it!"

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